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Jemisa | 00:18 Sun 28th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Following on from a Marval Post......

Someone asked me once "If you your husband and your child were in a river and they were drowning which would you save, your husband because you chose him?..... or your child because after all you & your husband are not related, where as your child is.... A TOUGHIE EH?



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Can't swim.
My child.............
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You'd all go then Mam.... Problem solved.

Well Hubby already has, daughters can swim, I cannot - seemed a logical reply.
What a depressing thread for 'bedtime'.

I would try to save both. Husband on his back, child on his belly. ten swim them both to shore. In my youth I was a strong swimmer.
Always save children first, then go back for adults. Adults have more chance anyway.
If I had a child, it would be the child. As a parent it's your job to protect your children no matter what, so to save your partner instead would to me be wrong.
Save the child, and, given a choice of them all, the youngest first. She has the longest life ahead of her and has had the least.
That's a no brainer for me, it would be child every time. Have actually discussed this with husband before and we both said we'd sacrifice each other to save one/both of the kids.
I can't swim, but if I could it would have to be my child first.
Luckily I have a big fat belly which would act as a rubber dinghy and I'd be able to save both - no problem. :o)
No-one is going to say on this forum that they'd pick the husband are they. It's a horrible question bit like as kids when we used to ask which of our parents would die if we had to pick one.
would have to be my 5'9" child who can swim better I , and as for dear old Mr N, he'd survive somehow.
In all actuality I would probably drown and they would both survive.
the child.
Well, I can't swim out of my depth. Once in a pool with my ten year old I couldn't feel the pool bottom...panicked and grabbed my son round the neck. We both went under.....and although he was a good swimmer he still refers to the day Mum tried to drown him....;-) x

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