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Power Cut Here For The Last Hour

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DJHawkes | 21:23 Sun 22nd Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
what on earth could do that at this time of year, we had 1 at about 6 o'clock and then one at 6.40 and now this one, the whole village, which is odd as it is usually one half or the other.


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Guessing at a sub station, dot.
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just had a 4th outage , only a couple of minted this time, better not go when walking dead is on
We have loads of little one here, all the time - everyone blames it on the army camp for some reason.
There most likely in the process of fixing the prob right now, dot.
Same happened at my daughters village, all out, due to a dog chasing a cat up a power line, 4 hours and one very scratched rescuer.
I only live in a small village too where one side of the road will all have lights on and the other side will be in darkness.
It doesn't give reasons though. Maybe someone has been trying to steal live cables again
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cheers factor, it says it's a high vaultage issue caused by damage to their equipment
Somebody's probably incinerated their self trying to nick cables out of a sub station.

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