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What was the name of the chain of fishmongers around in the 70s/80s? I think the name might have started with Mac/Mc. Thanks.
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AB Asks
Prince Harry's planned tour of Iraq was cancelled last year for fears that he would put himself and his colleagues at serious risk. However, it has now been revealed that Harry has spent the past 10...
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this week i am due to have a free flu jab [ although i am 51 i have had 3 strokes]. Has anyone experienced this and is the injection worth having
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anotheoldgit /news/news.html?in_article_id=493352&in_page_i d=1770 /news/news.html?in_article_id=493344&in_page_i...
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Help please with 22 ac: Knew about right to be listened to in Scotland (4) I have HAR - . Could it be HARD
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i read that a Miami Dolphins player who is due to play at Wembly on sunday did not know that english was the native tougue in London or that London was in England. What an appaling reflection on...
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it is P.C. to treat black people with the same fairness than white people. Does anyone agree we should kick out all foreign and home bred blacks. Oh criminal suggestion i hear you say ... well i agree...
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Are the doctors McCann guilty or not guilty... Well no one knows obviousley the family have given their full support but do they really know. Often they are blinkered and the last people to pick up on...
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calling all law-abiding, respectful, decent people who have had enough of all the c**p thats been happening in the uk. if you are disgusted as i am about how things like this can happen without...
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what are the top 6 english citys by population... obviously LONDON , BIRMINGHAM and MANCHESTER but what are the next 3
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Just watched the news (no link) on the young boy murdered. The parents were saying that the killers parents are to blame as they have brought him up like that. My question is, should parents be held...
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re violent teen offenders.... surely the people to shoulder most blame are the parents. 40 years ago there was trouble but not to this extent but then 1 parent worked and 1 looked after the...
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A polish girl my son met asked him out on a date, she arrived in this country without any money or place to stay and with out a job, my 24 year old son British born took her in his flat and helped her...
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here we go again the killer of Philip Lawrence wins his human rights appeal to stay in the uk. this is utter madness, this law only seems to protect criminals and illegal immigrants, are these judges...
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Why do we all hate the manc scum??
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I am 14 years old and have a handicap of 9. I would love to turn professional, however I don't want to sit in a shop and sell Mars bars for the rest of my life. How good must you be to make it onto...
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has religion caused most of the worldly conflicts throughout time. Surely it is meant to preach peace not war , love not hate, harmony not disharmony. Are all the people who perpetrate wars not being...
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is it time to give britain back to the british. Boot out politically correct barstewards and give us , the caucasian british our country back. The money we will save on supporting scrounging...
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what is wrong with me...i am gay , slightly disabled fairly sane for 51 yo and i dont want a guy for love just companionship. Does such a guy exist or does everyone think i am mad
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Loosehead 403.stm 'm shocked at how anyone would shoot a man for challenging them for smoking, it just beggars belief. Is this the first of many "smoker rage"...

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