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My friend was a sole trader and recently became a limited company, therefore slightly changing the name of his business. He has tried unsuccessfully, on numerous occassions to ask his bank to... ...
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I have 2 private pensions, 1 with around £7k and the other around £150k. If I take my 25% tax free allowance from the £7k one, will i still be able to take 25% from my £150k at a later... ...
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I have been seeing a guy for 18 months. Both early 60's. Straight from the off he inundated me with presents. We mainly see each other at weekends, he stays at mine as he lives in his sons house... ...
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My divorce went to court 16 October 2023. Finances agreed and pension sharing order granted. Decree Absolute dated 9 Feb 2024 as there was a delay at court. My case was sitting on someones desk... ...
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I am the claimant in a divorce which ended up at a court hearing October 2023 and we agreed on a financial settlement there and then.  When I applied for the divorce it was on a paper base but it... ...
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Mechanic fitted a part on car. Everything done corrctly but part failed. The supplier refuses to admit the part was faulty, so mechanic being sued by car owner. Who does the fault lie with?
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I have been trying to get a divorce/settlement with my estranged husband for 3 years. Finally have a court hearing end of November. Meanwhile my solicitor is putting forward a proposition of 70/30... ...
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I have received my decree nisi. There is also an order for cost which states the judge orders the respondent to pay the petitioners (me) costs, such costs to be agreed and if not agreed to be subject...
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I have just received my husbands financial statement (form e). He has lied about cohabitating with his new partner. He has stated he is a lodger and he is working on the house at weekends to pay for...
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I have been married 10 years. Been together 17 years. I was his 4th wife (cheated on all of his wives and even had a child via an affair who he has nothing to do with). 9 months ago he confessed for...
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I have received a deed in pdf which I have printed off. But the boxes have been auto-filled and its printing out with this on. Apart from tippexing it out which will not be acceptable has anyone any...
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I need to remove a shareholder from my limited comany. I have logged into companies house but not sure how i remove a person. Can anyone help please....
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Not sure if posted in right section. I recently received £5k from an ex mortgage lender (something to do with early repayment charges they took from me about 8 years ago!) Very nice to receive I must...
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I also posted in home and garden as wasnt sure! I am in the process of re-mortgaging my house. For the first time the survey brought up ? asbestos. The mortgage lender valuer has held a £5k...
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I will keep this as brief as poss. I am taking to my brother to court as he has been using my late mother and step fathers ATM card. Stepfather died leaving everything to me, probate all done and...
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I have seen some laminate tiles for my hall which are £38 per sq meter, my hall measures approx 20 ft x 4ft (7 mts x 1.3) how do I work out roughly how much it will cost? ta...
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My step father in law is dying of cancer, whilst he was still in fairly good health he made a Will and is leaving everything to my partner (his step son). He has a blood son but they have not spoken...
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My step father in law is dying of cancer, whilst he was still in fairly good health he made a Will and is leaving everything to my partner (his step son). He has a blood son but they have not spoken...

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