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Good morning everyone - not the brightest of days out there, in fact very grey and a permanent drizzle, slo I’ve left the car out in the drive for hopefully a bit of a rinse - of course if the wind...
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Good morning everyone - overcast and decidedly drizzly out there so I’m staying put inside, the fires lit and the ‘children’ have settled down, they’re happy …it’s just me jumping up to stoke it every...
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Good morning everyone - after a pretty chilly start, the day is looking quite promising - the sun is shining and with no wind it makes being outdoors a distinct possibility- perhaps I’ll leave my...
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Good morning everyone - rather dull and dismal today, and that’s about it …well they say sunshine later but who knows ….not inspiring in any way !! Not sure about this lot either - BOAT BIRD BARS BEAM...
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Good morning everyone - winter has returned - it’s grey and that wind is cold so I’ve lit the fire and I’m settling down with my cat and my puzzles and it can do what it like out there, I’m comfy !!...
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Good morning everyone - pretty glum looking day here, very overcast and rain predicted but no wind which is a blessing- a good one for stay put inside with a fire and some puzzles !! Now for the links...
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Good morning everyone - not too bad for a Saturday here, the predicted overnight gales didn’t eventuate …very good, and the rain is holding off too, so it might be ok to wander outside for a bit …...
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Good morning everyone - not too bad a day out there, sun is shining, no wind, not the warmest but then you can’t have everything and it is Winter !! Hoping to get outside for a while after lunch,...
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Good morning everyone - ooo it’s mid winter here again after our nice days last weekend, it’s poured and blown a gale, I’m hoping for a bit of a break so I can check if I still have a garden :( The...
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Good morning everyone - pretty bleak weekend here, days for staying inside and keeping dry and warm !! In fact we have a week of it to look forward??? to rain and cold wind ….I need some more puzzles...
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Good morning everyone - the sun is shining but I wouldn’t take my eye off it for a minute …it will start blowing a gale and chucking it down …and just don’t mention thunderstorms !!! Tuesday was a...
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Good morning everyone - shaping up to be a nice weekend here, quite mild in fact, T shirts are the go, ….of course it won’t last, thunderstorms later in the week - what fun !! Busy set of links, lots...
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Is it me or is the sound weird - I am having trouble understanding what any of them are saying, its all a sort of mumble....
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Good morning everyone - a damp start to the day, but the sun is trying to break through, maybe a nice afternoon coming my way …hopefully !! And hopefully a nice batch of links to round out the month -...
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Good morning everyone - the sun’s shining but it’s not what I’d call warm out there - in fact downright chilly in fact !! The furries came out for a short while with me, but very quickly decided it...
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Good morning everyone - going to be a lovely sunny weekend here, lots of picnics, etc for Mothers Day tomorrow, which makes a welcome change - usually it’s bitterly cold :( Finally got my act together...
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Good morning everyone- from a rather damp South Oz, but at least we’re not getting snow …well not yet, anything could happen when the cold front pushes through. I’m organise though, I’ve lit the first...
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Good morning everyone - it’s turning into a nice day here, after some early rain, but at least South Oz isn’t in the firing line of some real downpours, thunderstorms, etc heading for the East coasts...
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Good morning everyone - beautiful mild, sunny day here, no breeze ….perfect !! I’ll be outside and enjoying it very soon ….this is what I call Autumn weather, just gorgeous!! Thanks to twix123 and...
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Good morning everyone - lovely soaking rain last night, so dark this morning I slept till late and so did the furries….soon be time for wood fires and woolly socks !! Thanks again to twix and a...

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