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Emails from one of my contacts continues to go to junk no matter what I do. I use Outlook and I have made the sender a contact, a trusted sender and any senders from that domain. Others from the same...
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Health Minister tier reviews being announced at 3pm Update about schools returning to school 4pm Prime Minister press conference to the nation 5pm...
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Imagine if you have to answer six questions correctly on any chosen subject. What would you choose as your specialist subject?
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I've always worked between Christmas and New Year, or maybe taken a day off to spend with extended family. This year there is no work and we're under Tier 4 restrictions. It looks like its going to be...
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Do we catch a cold from other people or can we just catch a cold? Mr M and I are living a fairly isolated life and being quite cautious when we do go to a shop or a cafe. We wash our hands and...
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I haven't tipped the postie in the past as I had very few deliveries and rarely saw him. This year has been very different with more online shopping and lots of friendly contact especially in the...
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I have an iphone and a Dell laptop running Windows 10 and Edge. How do I transfer photos from the phone to the laptop?...
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Bought a new TV and hoping to ditch the Humax box and use the recording facility. Will a 16gb USB stick have enough storage for a few films and half a dozen 1 hour films? I cant find the storage...
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Have you booked yours? I have just scrolled through the December dates and realised that I was very nearly too late. Managed to get something that suited us thankfully....
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If someone was on furlough for 6 months and the employer offered to accrue the annual leave and extend the holiday year into 2021, so that it can be used, where would the bank holidays come in? The...
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Two weeks ago today, I overstayed in a supermarket car park. I didnt get a ticket but I don't know and didn't notice whether there was an ANPR system in place. If there was do you think I would have...
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If there's another lockdown, local or otherwise, what would you do or are doing differently this time round?...
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I have bought Microsoft 365 and planning on using Outlook for email, calendar and contacts. My post lockdown resolution is to file the emails I want to keep and delete the rest. I have thousands!! I...
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I met a friend for coffee in a hotel bar yesterday. All very comfortable and Covid safe. They asked for my name and a contact number but otherwise it felt very normal. Today Mr M and I went for lunch...
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I'm new to W10 and Edge. When I click on a link in an email it doesn't open in a new window. I have to minimise the Mail box to see the webpage in question. where's the setting to change this please?...
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I have given up work recently and need a new label! Especially when it comes to insurance renewals. What label will be the lowest risk. Eg Retired? Unemployed? Housewife? Self employed? Freelancer ?...
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When I'm using video conferencing, whichever one you like, Zoom, Google Meet, etc, my camera always freezes. I have to continuously refresh it over an over in order to avoid that frozen in time look....
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I have a contactless debit card for an account I rarely use, but I went to use it today and it didnt react at all to the device at the store. I dont know the pin so I couldnt use it in the normal way...
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If you have a spare bedroom do you keep the bed made up or wait until you know that someone is coming to stay?
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Last week they were valued Key Workers. This week, bus drivers, taxi drivers, security staff, chefs, construction trades and are low skilled workers. I hate that phrase, it must be so demoralising to...

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