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We have about four foxes coming into our garden - two adults and two youngsters. We are a very animal loving family and have always fed the various animals who come into the garden. The foxes started...
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Where can i buy a CD player for our kitchen which would sit under the wall units? Ive looked and looked and cannot find them anywhere. Help!
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Ok, how on earth do you get rid of pigeons from the garden without chasing away the other birds? We have lots of hangers in the garden for all the wee birds (blue tits,sparrows etc) but the...
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Can i buy some sort of die to put into my water feature? Id like the water to be blue.  Also, when the water feature has been switched off for a week or two (bad weather) the stones go mouldy....
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How much money should i take to Prague for a weekend stay? What form is best to take, Travellers cheques, Sterling etc? Can i use my debit card over there? Cheers guys
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What causes cramp and why should raising you legs help get rid of cramp in your feet/legs? Just curious. On another note... Occasionally i get woken up by cramp in my calf(s). This happens...
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Me again.... I also remember seeing one of these home makeover programmes on TV where they took separate pictures of the family and had them made into Andy Warhol type...
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I read a couple of years ago that you can get your favourite photo put onto a bag or purse. Who does this sort of thing? Thanks
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Im planning on going away for a long weekend with my friends. There will be six of us. We need 1 double and 2 twin rooms, or 3 twins. Somewhere cheap (ish) with a pub nearby. We just want somewhere...
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Has anyone tried playing this game? Found it through but im really stuck.
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I have signed up to use a forum and followed insructions to the 't'. When i sign in, i insert my username and password then i go to reply to a post but it takes me...
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Why cant or wont half the driving public use their indicators? I just dont get it. They are there for a reason and yet people appear to be using them less and less.
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Just a silly little question but its something that really bugs me. Why is it that cyclists use the road when they have a new and perfectly reasonable cycle path about 10ft away from the busy road. As...
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We have this on our computer but it seems to slow down the process of loading pages from the internet. When the symbol 'ZA' comes up everything takes ages! If it changes to what looks like a red bar...
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Just wanting to know if im the only person who loved all the stuff back in the 80's. I loved the 90's too but eveyone always tells me that those decades were nothing compared to the 70's. Well i wasnt...
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Is it a good idea to eat fruit after a meal? I have always had my lunch at work and finished it off by having some fruit. Recently though, i read that its not a good idea to do this as the fruit...
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Have been wondering for ages what these blue lights are that you usually see on vans or lorries. There are normally two of them and they look like they're attached to the wipers. What are their...
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We are getting between 15 - 30+ 'SPAM' messages coming in every single day without fail. Advertising all sorts, viagra etc. How do we stop them coming in at all. We know we can block...
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Whats higher than the highest, lower than the lowest,better than god, worse than the devil, dead people eat it and if we eat it we die. Im confused. Help!
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We have two ladies toilets at work. One flushes and fills up again fine. The other toilet however, flushes ok but fills up really very slowly. Is this something i could fix myself? If so, what am i...

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