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The original of this song was called 'Sepheryn' and was recorded by an act called 'Curtiss Maldoon'. Does anyone know whether this is available anywhere?
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Apart from their respective names that is...? Are these different 'world names' for the same fruit?
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Please resolve a work argument... What are the correct ways in which the above phrases should be used. I don't think they're synonomous (although a colleague does). I've always used 'up to you' to...
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I'm talking about the song which you love, but you know has no, or very little merit. It's the CD that you hide behind the sofa when your mates come round...or the one that brings you out in a cold...
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Following on from the poll of least liked films...what do AB'ers consider the best 'twist' in any movie? Personally, my favourite is the final 20 minutes of a film that practically NO-ONE I know has...
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Can anyone who saw the film Children Of Men this weekend, please settle an argument (hopefully in my favour)? The baby that's in it...was it CGI, or a real baby? Thanks.
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There's an old saying which goes (something like): The Times is read by people who run the country. The Daily Mail is read by people who think they run the country, and The Sun is read by people who...
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All Tomorrow (Sept 8th) I'm forty years there ANYHTING good with turning forty, or is all that 'life begins at forty' nonsense, really a load of rubbish. I post this here because frankly, me...
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Personally, my favourite is 'Spirit & Destiny' ("sing them a song Della") from the last series.
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Donna gace a performance of Madonna's 'Like A Prayer' last week. I love her to bits and I truly, truly want nice things to happen to her. Here's her clip:...
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AB'ers I didn't know this was against the law, and I don't even know what to think about it.,,29389- 2306067,00.html I'd welcome your views because like I said,...
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Has any AB'er been to see it. If so, could you please tell me the worst song (there's always one) so I know when to pop out for a ciggie. Thanks.
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Does anyone know the name of the piece of music which is used as a sample in Missy Elliott's new single, "We Run This"?
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Has anyone actually read what Mel Gibson 'allegedly' said to those arresting officers when he was pulled over the other day?
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Sorry about this - not a lot to go on...but does anyone know the name of the artist/track from *I think* the new Comfort advert? You see a woman making a double bed, but whilst she's making it, she...
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The current poster advertising Emmerdale. It looks like it's based on an 'old master' painting - but which painting and who is it by?
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Who is the most famous person on the Answer Bank? In terms of numbers of posts and the count of people he/she has got into arguments with, I would say it's Ward-Minter. And good for him I say. Even...
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Who has been to number one in the UK charts as a solo artist, as one half of a duo, in a three piece band, in a four piece band finally as part of a five piece act. I actually know the answer...just...
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Can anyone tell me the song Chris Moyles sang last night?
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Any ideas on this one: No man can live without my first,by night and day 'tis used.My second is by all accursedby night and day abused.My whole is never seen by dayand never heard by night.'Tis dear...

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