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Inspired By Answerprancers Thread.

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RATTER15 | 09:35 Tue 07th May 2013 | Editor's Blog
59 Answers
Inspired by Answerprancers thread.

Could we have a section where we can embed photos, like we able to on FB for instance, I know you (Ed) can embed them for us but couldn't we have the opportunity to do this, maybe just in Chatterbank for instance for approved ABers.

Brilliant Idea, YES?


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Adorable baby piccy Ratter, shame she's wearing earrings :-(
RATTER........LOL......was that Carakeel as a baby?......LOL.
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Boo, I think there would need to be some kind of control, maybe each photo could be approved by a mod before it goes live, im just thinking about the weirdos who maybe wanting to upload dodgy stuff, you know what these Abers are like :-))
sod off, i aint trawling through mountains of boring photos to approve of 'em!
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Lol, just a pic off google images, I didnt notice the ear rings to be honest, I also hate.
Hmmm, didn't think about that Ratter.
Maybe it's not such a great idea after all.
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Come on Boo, what else do you have to do? it will occupy your mind!!
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Hey BOO, you could put together a little library of all the dodgy pics that dont get approval to share and snigger at privately :-))
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Oh yes MadMen! what have you got to hide?
What have I got to hide? LOL. Where do I start????
Not a good idea. Can you imagine the pictures from angry posters? Oh gawd and I don't even want to think about pictures from Desktop.
As it stands (so to speak) there's nothing to stop someone ostensibly asking for help with "translating a strange inscription" or something, with a link which actually goes to a picture of an impressively long and probably very painful tattoo (!)
Hope that hasn't given anyone ideas ...
But "angry posters" can still post pictures. They just have to go round the houses a bit to do so.

I wonder if there's a way the ed could police it? Like when you select a picture for your avatar, it has to be a G rating (is it G?) so I'm thinking maybe something like that on here could work???

There's been many times I've thought adding a pic would be helpful when either asking or answering a question, but a lot of the time I'm on my phone and it's hassle to upload it to TinyPic first.
There's always pros and cons...

///maybe just in Chatterbank for instance for approved ABers///

Are you suggesting / confirming the Clique exists ?
Here's a pro. I can share with you my holiday snaps.

Me and the girls:

Don't you ladies start getting jel.
Ouch, you could've put a warning on that!!!!
Oh :-(

I won't use it on the AB dating forum then....

Possibly not your best idea

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