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Inspired By Answerprancers Thread.

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RATTER15 | 09:35 Tue 07th May 2013 | Editor's Blog
59 Answers
Inspired by Answerprancers thread.

Could we have a section where we can embed photos, like we able to on FB for instance, I know you (Ed) can embed them for us but couldn't we have the opportunity to do this, maybe just in Chatterbank for instance for approved ABers.

Brilliant Idea, YES?


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I think with the approval thing... we would need to establish that people are "generally" trusted, a bit like the avatar thing where you cant have an avatar for 14 days, where as with uploading pics maybe this could be extended to 28 days with regular postings.
A clickable link is more than good enough. Those who access AB on their phone or tablet may have data limits and it could be painfully slow to open threads.
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MadMen, you are the one in the Lime Green, I can tell. Is true, when getting a bit of passion going on, there are so many folds and crevices they have to roll you in flour and then go for the damp patch?
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hc, maybe they could be given an option to "not show pics" I think its a great ide!! :-))
"painfully slow to open threads. "

Right now I'm having 'pains' opening threads with videos imbedded, you could just imagine my 'pains' if there were to be pictures imbedded.
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Society, maybe you need to take a look at your PC, the problem may lie there! I have no such problems on my PC or my phone.
I really can't see the problem with using links. If you want to see the pic, click the link. It's not hard.
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hc, I agree its not a problem! just would be nice to see the pics, just as an option. opt in or opt out, no problem.
While it could be nice, it's also likely to be a pain.

If we were to do it, it would have to be used with a verified Flickr or Photobucket account - so we can track you down if you post naughty things.

It's a tricky one.
Are you saying that you don't trust us Mr Ed?
To explain the "pain" part a bit better: we would, rightly or wrongly, be held accountable for pictures on the site. We also have the issue of things that might be appropriate after the watershed will be seen by those having their breakfast the next day...
"Are you saying that you don't trust us Mr Ed?"

No, I am saying that everyone's judgement for "what's okay" is different - and different at different times of the day.
I don't mind moderating them..............obviously there would be nothing allowed containing pictures of babies, cats, or goats.
or goats.

:) We certainly don't have the manpower to manually moderate them here, and we can't ask our mods to put up with that kind of task.
*considering what Chuck thinks is acceptable*
Wrong, Ratter! I am the one on the far left. The brunette in the faux-leather bikini top and, it appears, no bikini bottoms.... :-/
That was just before we hit poolside. Ladies on tour. Lock up your son's!
Oi miss 3, I believe you've had your avatar banned before now too :)
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Come on Ed, less excuses and more action! Im sure chuck wont mind checking AB tasks while out and about with his Hi Tech mobile phone!!

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