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A Yes Or No Will Do

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Teapots1 | 18:02 Sat 01st Jan 2022 | Body & Soul
85 Answers
We have tried to convince that the vaccine is the only tool in the box at the moment, and works pretty good. But for the ones that still refuse for no good reason, should the powers that be notify them that if they require hospital treatment for covid, and they are not vaccinated, that they will be required to pay a private health care rate or at least part rate? Sounds a bit harsh may be, but its harsh on folk waiting on other treatment.


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Sqad The OP did not mention anyone being turned away Just additional costs Which is already happening in other countries for the unvaccinated
19:09 Sat 01st Jan 2022
Sadly no.

Unless you add to the list - careless drivers, people who dive off piers, and all manner of other risk takers.
bad sight day - I thought this was "pliers"
Teapot. NHS care is free at point of delivery. If there was a charge then it would not be free.
What would happen, then, if an unvaccinated person who had no funds required treatment?
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I say again the free NHS treatment for covid is being refused. So if you choose to gamble, then you pay the price, not the rest of the public.
Anne-//Smokers/over eaters don’t infect others//

Overeaters don't, but smokers certainly do. Many have suffered from breathing second hand smoke, or being in utero of a smoking mother.

The point I'm making is that like the unvaccinated, they are largely self imposed medical issues.
Yes, but against the whole principle of the NHS. 7 words.
NHS care is free at point of delivery. If there was a charge then it would not be free.

erm no not to immigrant tourists etc - they get charged - - BUT the cost of charging up to a few years ago outweighed collection

( if you have a clerk on £20 000 - then they have to take £20k in in fees or else the post doesnt pay for job - twas ever thus)
// against the whole principle of the NHS. 7 words.//
nope 7 words which are wrong
non residents get charged
I love AB
Fine rolling phrases which are - - - nurr nurr - wrong inaccurate or rubbish....
But surely the NHS was set up for British residents. So yes I would like to see anti vaxers charged in someway but no you can't unless they are not British. What I would like to do with antivaxers is another matter. I have to keep my thoughts to myself when one turns up on here or I would be banned.

Reasons ?
As I said yesterday
Everyone has been offered the jabs several times over
They are to help to prevent the requirement of attending hospital if you get ill
If you refuse to have the jabs then morally you ought not to expect the nhs to waste further resources and manpower on you when it could easily have been avoided
Furthermore if you are so reluctant to have the vaccine then you should be just as reluctant to take further medicines should you not ?
The nhs tried to assist you
If you are not vaccinated you should not burden the nhs any further whilst other patients are having their operations and treatments deferred
Fine rolling words that are wrong etc. What on earth are you talking about. PP?
As I fully support a free NHS maybe anti-vaccers should offered free euthanasia.
If an unvaccinated person turned up at a hospital with breathlessness due to Covid and was turned away.........the would sue the hospital trust and almost certainly win.

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NJ 17.30 If you recover, then you leave hospital in debt, like any other debt you may collect in life.
The OP did not mention anyone being turned away

Just additional costs
Which is already happening in other countries for the unvaccinated
Nope. They try my patience, but where would you draw the line on making people pay? Smokers? Over-eaters? People who don't excercise? Bad drivers?
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sqad, Not on about turning away. Just the mention from the health minister that private medical insurance will be required by none vaccinated. We have all been forced to do things that we may not have agreed with over the last 2 years, why should these people be let off the hook.

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