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A Yes Or No Will Do

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Teapots1 | 18:02 Sat 01st Jan 2022 | Body & Soul
85 Answers
We have tried to convince that the vaccine is the only tool in the box at the moment, and works pretty good. But for the ones that still refuse for no good reason, should the powers that be notify them that if they require hospital treatment for covid, and they are not vaccinated, that they will be required to pay a private health care rate or at least part rate? Sounds a bit harsh may be, but its harsh on folk waiting on other treatment.


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Sqad The OP did not mention anyone being turned away Just additional costs Which is already happening in other countries for the unvaccinated
19:09 Sat 01st Jan 2022
I don’t think you can as it’s not legally enforceable to get a jab
No way.
No. Health care is just that...caring for those that require it. While we may not approve of those who choose to reject the vaccine, at least they still have the choice to do so.
Probably should , when other people are awaiting urgent treatment

However that's not how our health care system operates
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Not forcing them to have the jab RH, just tell them they will need medical insurance. They have refused the vaccine for free from the nhs
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We've been forced to do a lot of things over the last 2years and most have done so.
No just leave them on a trolley in a corridor while dealing with deserving cases.
A similar argument could apply to smokers, over-eaters, participants in contact sports etc.
No. They pay their taxes and NI the same as anybody else. You start picking and choosing, and what's next? Deny treatment to smokers with lung cancer? Alcoholics with liver damage? The overweight with diabetes?
Smokers/ over eaters don’t infect others .
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With respect Mcmouse this is about covid, thats putting other peoples lives on hold.
The way our NHS works it would cost more in admin to recover such costs as would be earned from them.
//and what's next? Deny treatment to smokers with lung cancer? Alcoholics with liver damage? The overweight with diabetes//

I suppose you could argue that those groups are having a tiny percentage affect on the NHS, compared to non vaxed covid patients
Anne. But they do get hospitalised and occupy beds that could be used by more worthy patients. But I don’t like the idea of discrimination by denying NHS treatment.
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Over the last 2 years most of us have had new laws made up overnight imposed upon us. Its now time to impose new laws on folk who still refuse.
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They would not be refusing treatment Mcmouse just charging for it.
requires a change in the law
but so what?
( that is cant be done with a stroke of a minister's pen)

me? I quite like the idea of burning ( ok flaming) cocktails sticks under neath the fingernails....but there are some pinko wet namby pamby who will whine: no no that is cruel

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