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A Yes Or No Will Do

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Teapots1 | 18:02 Sat 01st Jan 2022 | Body & Soul
85 Answers
We have tried to convince that the vaccine is the only tool in the box at the moment, and works pretty good. But for the ones that still refuse for no good reason, should the powers that be notify them that if they require hospital treatment for covid, and they are not vaccinated, that they will be required to pay a private health care rate or at least part rate? Sounds a bit harsh may be, but its harsh on folk waiting on other treatment.


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Sqad The OP did not mention anyone being turned away Just additional costs Which is already happening in other countries for the unvaccinated
19:09 Sat 01st Jan 2022
Sticky...yes I agree, but if they hadn't the money to pay then one presumes they would be turned away.........
It's what they are doing in Singapore.

I agree with it. The way I see it, our democratically elected Government decided that vaccines were the way out of this, and sank a great deal of our taxes into developing, procuring and administering those vaccines, which was a gamble that paid off - vaccines are far more economical than treating unvaccinated people.

If people want to choose to not avail themselves of the free vaccines available, then that's their choice and they can pay for the alternative.
This juggernaut of a NHS , we are told is constantly in need of extra cash .

I don't disagree with that.
However I'm convinced that there is wastage that could be eradicated - there is bound to be .

What we need is someone truly independent to conduct a review of where all the cash is going .

Get rid of some of the unwarranted management tiers , which are not contributing anything useful and direct that cash to frontline services
More than extra money, I believe our NHS needs a total overhaul. It's totally disjointed. It would need more money initially just to get things running properly. There's so much dead wood in staffing. I have needed the NHS a lot in recent years, and there's so much need for a good shake up in systems. I have nothing but respect for the treatment from oveworked staff, but with better organisation they wouldnt all be flustered and overworked. Paperwork and beurocrisy seem to be huge issues.
I've said it before and will say it again. Out with the managers, bring back the mattons
That should be Matrons
I wish we could get away from the bullshine that the NHS is free.

There was a vocal poster last year, Teacake, who steadfastly insisted the NHS was free and couldn’t understand that it was only free at delivery.

If the NHS was free, we’d all be paying less tax.
//A Yes Or No Will Do//
Its a no from me.
It’s a No from me as well.

I think they are selfish *** who are occupying beds and denying or delaying treatment for those who need it, but I wouldn’t want to live in country where treatment is denied to somebody just because they are a flat-earthist.
They have a treatment that's freely available - it's the vaccine. The problem is they want to make a more expensive choice and expect others to pay for it.
I can't understand the outcry from the naysayers - there are already many examples of things we're compelled to do to avoid harm to other people (or face the consequences). What's so different about this one.
Whilst I appreciate the Best Answer it should have gone to Ellipsis for their post at 18.43 which summed up the matter perfectly
The money and personnel and resources used on the unvaccinated could have all been used elsewhere with compulsory vaccination
It is the one time where civil liberties needed to be curbed for the benefit of the whole population

With the onset of newer variants each year it will become a perpetual problem
What is main reason for people not taking vaccine and let’s address that Eh what do you say ?
The main reason for them not taking the vaccine is that they’re idiots.

But idiocy is not a reason to deny treatment.
Treatment need not be denied, just paid for. That should be the choice: free vaccination and treatment if you still need it following vaccination, OR pay for your own treatment if you don't want a free vaccination.

Not all treatments are free on the NHS, and I don't see why free treatment for Covid should be given to people who refused a free vaccine,
I can see conflicts there- why should we get things like cosmetic surgery, sex change ops even IVF or some weight loss or methadone free but have to pay for covid ICU treatment

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