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My wife called me as I was sat in the pub last night. "I've cooked dinner," she screamed. "And if you’re not home within 20 minutes I'm going to feed it to the dog." "Woooah! That's bang out of...
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Police officer: "I'm sorry sir, but your wife has been involved in a fatal car accident and we'd like you to come with us so you can identify the body." Husband: "I'm a bit busy right now. Can't you...
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My wife stormed into the pub and threw a plate of beans on toast in front of me. "There's your dinner," she screamed. "You spend so much time in here you may as well eat in here as well!"...
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I ran out of toilet paper, so have begun using old newspapers... The Times are rough! ---------------------------------------------- Argentina is surprisingly cold... In fact it's bordering on Chile!...
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Having arrived at the edge of the river, the fisherman soon realized he had forgotten to bring any bait. Just then he happened to see a little snake passing by who had caught a worm. The fisherman...
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My girlfriend says I don't satisfy her anymore... Probably because I'm a man, not a cake shop! ____________________ I was shocked at price of those Ancestry DNA kits, so rather than spend £150, I just...
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The School teacher sent home a note with her student. The note reads, ”Your son is an obedient and bright student, but spends far too much time talking to girls.” Mother sends a note back the...
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On average, any American man will have sex two to three times a week, where as a Japanese man will have sex only one or two times a year. This is upsetting news to me, as I had no idea I was Japanese....
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A guy was walking along the street when he saw a crowd of people running towards him. He stopped one of the runners and asked: "What's happening?" The runner replied breathlessly: "A lion has escaped...
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Three couples went in to see the minister about becoming new members of his church. The minister said that they would have to go without sex for two weeks and then come back and tell him how it went....
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Famous Mothers Quotes MONA LISA'S MOTHER: "After all that money your father and I spent on braces, that's the biggest smile you can give us?" COLUMBUS MOTHER: "I don't care what you've discovered, you...
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During a recent power outage my PC, Laptop, TV, DVD, IPAD, and a new surround sound system were all shut down. Also, my mobile phone battery was dead. To make matters worse it was raining and I...
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Three guys are trying to sneak into the Olympic Village in Rio to scoop souvenirs and autographs. The first says, "Let's watch the registration table to see if there's a crack in the security system...
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The Olympic torch has more chance of going out this winter than me. _______________ If the Rovers, Queen Vic and the Woolpack are open for business tonight I'm kicking off! _______________ Greta...
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An Irishman's first drink with his son: While reading an article last night about fathers and the sons, memories came flooding back to the time I took me son out for his first pint. Off we went to our...
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My lesbian neighbours recently asked me to help them conceive a child. They said they didn't mind doing it the old fashioned way as they were both very liberal minded. Anyway, they're both very...
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My wife thinks we should sleep in separate beds. Great idea... I've chosen Karen's, at number 23!...
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Two fishermen are fishing off a bank dangling their legs in the water. A shark swims up and bites one of the men's leg off. "Oh no," shouts the man. "A shark's bitten my leg off." "Which one?" his pal...
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I don't know about you but the buttons on my jeans have started social distancing from each other! _____________________ I went to the chemist today, I said ' do you know what best kills the virus ?'...

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