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Social distancing: The tatty shops on Blackpool promenade have started selling 'Blow Me A Kiss From A Safe Distance' hats! _____________________ Lockdown is really starting to get to me. I've spent...
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A woman was shopping for something to wear to her 50th high school reunion when a group of teenage girls came into the same shop to try on dresses for their school prom dance. “Gross,” complained one...
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I need to re-home a dog. It's a small terrier, and tends to bark a lot. If you're interested, let me know and I'll jump over next door's fence and get it for you!
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Got an e-mail from a bored housewife 32, looking for some action! I've sent her my ironing - that should keep her busy for a while. ________________ Things turned really ugly at my house yesterday....
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My pal Paddy looked so puzzled sitting there in the pub with a pint in his hand. "What's up Paddy?" I asked. "Well," replied Paddy. "I can't explain why I've got three brothers but my sister says...
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My girlfriend asked me to name off all my sexual partners in order... I should probably have stopped when I got to her name, but......she's now my ex. __________________ "Open doors... Always try to...
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A girl sends her boyfriend a message saying: If you are sleeping send me your dream, If you are laughing send me your laugh and if you are crying send me your tears and her boyfriend send her a...
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Twitter and Facebook are full of people who think they're worse off than everybody else. You all need to be more like my mate Dave... He had a bad car crash where he lost his vocal chords and both his...
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I read that, by law, you have to turn on your headlights when it's raining in Sweden... How the hell am I supposed to know if it's raining in Sweden? __________________ Condoms do not guarantee safe...
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Result of the Lock down: First time in history we can save the human race by laying in front of the TV and doing nothing. Reminder: 9pm is the time to remove your day pyjamas and put your night...
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Nearly talked my way out of a speeding ticked once by telling the policewoman who stopped me how stunning she looked. Then bolloxed it up by saying 'and that's not just the drink talking either!'...
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This afternoon at the petrol station I saw a woman running round screaming. Her arm was on fire & she was swinging it violently. The police came, put the woman on the ground, put the fire out then...
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My sexy Chinese neighbour told me she was desperate for a roger... It was only when I had my trousers round my ankles, that I realised she wanted to rent out her spare room!...
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My Wife said if I don't get away from the computer and do some gardening she is going to bang my head on the keyboard........ Its okay though I think she is only...
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A woman is walking out of the bank and she has a £50 note in each ear. She passes two bank workers, one turn to the other and says: "See that woman...she's £100 in arrears." _____________________ I...
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A group of blokes outside a pub and a woman walks by. One says to his mates, "I'd give her one." The woman replies, "I wouldn't have sex with you if you were the last man on earth." He answers, "Who...
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"Doctor, Doctor, please help! I'm getting married soon and I can't get over my fear of wedding vows. Do you know of a cure?" "I can't say I do." "Not you as well!" ------------------------------- As a...
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I Got caught stealing a leg of lamb from the supermarket. The security guard said, "What are you doing with that?" I replied, "Potatoes, peas and gravy!"...
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I think my wife is a sex object. Every time I ask for sex she objects. ____________ My girlfriend just rang to say Gavin from AutoGlass has just been and injected his resin into her crack... I'm not...
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In a shoe shop: "These shoes might be tight for the next two weeks." "Don’t worry. I’ll start wearing them in three weeks time then." __________________________ “Have you been sleeping by an open...

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